Sales force management system and automation

, 7 years ago

Closed 15 million customer data till date mobFos is a from the ground up built CRM comprising of a Web…

Real world translation and augmented reality

, 7 years ago

Our in-house developed Augmented Reality browser Clic AR has been utilized for multiple applications such as : Image Recognition, 3D Overlay…

Pupa Clic Project – Lead – Accounts Management System

, 8 years ago

Pupa Clic Project - Lead - Accounts Management System is a complete Customer Relationship Management software that is a great…

Address Verification System Automation

, 8 years ago

Pupa Clic is here to propose to you a new address verification system termed the "MOBFOS". The most innovative way…

Employee Benefits Management System

, 7 years ago

An employee benefits management solution comprising of a custom CRM backend on web and App was developed for a firm comprising of…

Workflow software for industries

, 8 years ago

Swan Electric Consortium and Engineering - Swelcom builds custom lighting and sheet metal solutions for various applications such as chandeliers, elevators…

Food blogging platform with a million likes on facebook

, 8 years ago is a leading food blogging platform that obsessively covers food-based based businesses, featuring new restaurants and breaking food news. Started…

An Efficient App for Online shopping

, 8 years ago

We at Pupa Clic create efficient tools for online shopping to assist any person on the other end of an Online…

One – A media center App for Cabs to display Ads – Mobile App and Backend CMS

, 8 years ago

One, media center which comprises of a customized Android operating system and launcher app which provides to its end users (commuters),…

Smart Address Verification System eKYC closing in 10 million customers till date

, 8 years ago

An automation system built as a web app on cloud and comprises of an Android application to fill in the…