We’ve been tinkering a lot with Amazon’s voice assistant echo powered by Alexa and we’ve built developments in
- Shopping – offline / online
- We built a wordpress plugin to send order notification status to alexa
- Feed reading for blogs and news cast
- We built a wordpress plugin to retrieve the latest posts of day, week, month
- Device control for iOS and Android
- We built an Android/iOS App which sends in the device details such as Battery, Wifi, Bluetooth, Missed Calls, Mails and SMS status
- Notifications for CRM integrations
We built API skill integrations to retrieve statistics such as
- number of pending/completed cases for mobFos – our feet on street management system
- number of opened/unopened tickets for PC PMS – our inhouse project management / support / invoicing system
Interested ? Head to our contact us page or email us at [email protected]